Experienced Public Adjusters specializes in handling commercial loss claims, demanding adjusters with the knowledge and proficiency to navigate the complexities of Business Interruption Insurance.

Business interruption insurance (also referred to as business income insurance) is a type of insurance that safeguards against income loss a business may endure following a significant loss. This loss of income could result from the forced closure of the business facility due to a disaster or the reconstruction process after a loss has transpired.

Diverging from property insurance, a property insurance policy solely covers the physical damage to the business. In contrast, the additional coverage provided by the business interruption policy extends to cover the profits that would have been earned. This supplementary policy provision is applicable to various business types, aiming to restore a business to the same financial standing it would have occupied if no loss had occurred.

For businesses with intricate operations, the collaboration of a forensic accountant may be necessary to assist a Public Adjuster in securing a fair recovery of the financial position. Engaging a Public Adjuster is indispensable for negotiating and expediting payments, ensuring the sustenance of your business throughout the period required to resume operations. Contact Experienced Public Adjusters today for a Free Claim Review!