What is a POL or Proof of Loss?

A Proof of Loss Statement or Form is a requested insurance policyholder’s statement or “Sworn Proof of Loss” that details the amount of money being claim as a loss. This requires the insured or insureds signatures. It usually is required to be notarized. If you have a mandatory requirement to provide a Proof of Loss form or you receive a request for a Proof of Loss form, please before submitting it or attempting to complete it, stop call a Public Adjuster.

Why do you think insurance companies request this? Of course, it is a scare tactic used by insurance companies. It also helps keep insured honest as they have to attest by swearing to the amount of damages when submitting their required POL to request damages to be paid by the insurance company. This does not mean the insurance company by any means will pay that amount. This is just the beginning of the fight. You should have a public adjuster assist you with the entire claims process. The insurance company is hoping you will breach your contractual obligations as stated in your insurance policy.

The figure or amount you submit can be a permanent one in the eyes of your insurance company. What if you have additional  or supplemental damages that you or a mitigation or remediation contractor have not yet discovered.  Call an Experienced Public Adjuster for a free claim review immediately.

Experienced Public Adjusters

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