Dealing with Cast Iron Pipe Leaks

Dealing with Cast Iron Pipe Leaks in Florida

Florida is grappling with a widespread issue related to the cast iron piping used in sewage systems across the region. Many of these pipes, designed with a life span of 25-35 years, are hitting their expiration date, leading to significant challenges for both homeowners and business operators. As these pipes approach the end of their service life, failures become more common, necessitating attention and prompt action. Here are key signs to watch for, and if you encounter issues with cast iron pipes, don’t hesitate to contact Experienced Public Adjusters for a thorough home inspection and a complimentary review of your insurance claim.

1) Backups in Sewage Lines

Blockages can manifest throughout the drainage system, with sewage line backups being a common occurrence. Swift action is required when fixtures show signs of backups.

Typically, sewer backups are not covered by insurance, but sewer blockage is a covered insurance claim (This is specific to each individuals homeowners policy.) Of course, a policy review would be required.

2) Unpleasant Odors

The presence of sewage odors, particularly sewage gas, can indicate a crack in the system. Such odors should not be ignored and demand immediate attention.

3) Mold Growth

Mold presence is another indicator of potential cracks in sewage lines. Given the humid conditions in Florida, molds can thrive easily, and a compromised pipe exacerbates the situation. Damage resulting from mold growth is typically covered by insurance policies.

4) Slow Drains

A reduction in drain speed suggests blockages in the system, possibly stemming from channeling or cracks. Drain cleaners may not be the solution, and a professional inspection, along with an insurance claim review, is recommended.

5) Lush Green Patches

Contrary to expectations, sewage acts as a fertilizer for plant life. Therefore, unusually vibrant green patches in your yard may indicate a leak in a pipe on your property.

6) Lawn Indentations

Soil dissipation caused by cracked sewage lines can lead to noticeable differences in the level of your lawn or garden.

7) Ground/Foundation Cracks

From sinkhole formation to slab deterioration, sewage leaks can impact foundations significantly. Foundation issues require immediate attention, and involving a specific engineer may be necessary for supporting an insurance claim.

8) Rodent Infestation

Increased rodent presence may signal cracks in sewage lines, prompting rats to escape from sewers. Even small cracks are enough for rodents to squeeze through, posing health risks due to the diseases they may carry.

9) Pooling of Septic Waste

Pooling beneath sewer water can indicate cracked lines, septic tank issues, or clogged drains, requiring urgent attention and inspection.

10) Insect Infestations

A surge in insect infestations, including flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches, could be an indication of pipe leaks. Even the smallest cracks can invite these pests in, leading to health concerns and potential property damage.

How to Recover from a Pipe Leak?

Contact our dedicated team at Experienced Public Adjusters for a complimentary home inspection and a potential insurance claim review related to water damage and plumbing leaks. Call Us Today at (407) 212-8669.

You may have an insurance claim!